What is a health promotion?
Health promotion is a set of knowledge, skills, believes and attitudes that make people improve their own health, well-being and hence happiness in life. Health promotion aims to prevent disease and disability and to reduce inequalities that are occasioned by poor health.
How does health promotion work?
Health promotion addresses the social and environmental factors that contribute to ill health, rather than just focusing on treatment. Health promotions focus on protecting health when it is still in good shape.
Health promotion helps people make healthier choices and take more control over their own health as individuals or as a community.
Health promotion creates the right physical and social conditions to improve health.
Examples of health promotion activities: Developing positive health policies, expanding and delivering community and Personal Wellness Literacy (PWL) and implementing screening programs for early detection of disease, and providing preventive therapies.
What is Dawaline Health Promotion Club?
At dawaline, our have a conviction that the best gift you can give your family and your employer is a healthy you. The way to achieve a healthy status is to what it takes to protect your health when it is still in good shape.
Activities of Dawaline Health Promotion Club (DHPC)
Activities of Dawaline Health Promotion Club are hinged around personal wellness literacy, (PWL). PWL is constituted of knowledge, skills, believes and attitudes that are in keeping with personal he althy lifestyle.
Once you join the Dawaline health promotion club, you will enjoy the following PWL benefits:
o 2-hour Periodic dinner talks on topical issues of personal health and wellness
o One-day Seminars and workshops on personal health and wellness
o 3-day Health and wellness breakaway retreats
o Men-only seminars on mental, physical and emotional health challenges of being a husband/father
o Women-only seminars on mental, physical and emotional health challenges of being a wife/mother
o All gender seminar on the personal health challenges of middle life crisis
o All gender seminar on the family health challenges of menopause.
o All gender seminar on the emotional and physical health challenges of adolescence.
o All gender seminar on the emotional, psychological and physical health challenges of life in retirement.
o Three-day retreat on the ten smart habits of a healthy lifestyle.
o Any other topic touching on psychological, emotional and physical health challenges of any gender, age or social group.
How To Join the Club
To join the DHPC, all you need to do is to show interest and be ready to participate in the learning activities of the club.
Joining the club is free of charge.
To show your interest, send your name to: training@dawalineconsulting.com or call 0702 970999 to give your particulars. You will receive a confirmation message and your club membership number.
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